warning shot

美 [ˈwɔːrnɪŋ ʃɑːt]英 [ˈwɔːnɪŋ ʃɒt]
  • 鸣枪示警
warning shotwarning shot
  1. Korkoneas had insisted the killing was an accident , caused by the ricochet of a warning shot that he fired during an altercation with a group of youths .


  2. As a warning shot across the bows of rivals , it is already setting aggressive prices .


  3. You 're right . I should give them a warning shot first .


  4. This time , it gave the warning shot in2008 .


  5. But it acts as a warning shot , suggesting more measures may follow .


  6. That was just a warning shot .


  7. Perhaps his statements are a warning shot : maybe more small guys will fry .


  8. It 's a warning shot into an unpopulated area .


  9. I observed this queer ritual several times before I decided fire a warning shot over his head .


  10. History is usually a " good girl " . She often gives a warning shot before sweeping away the past .


  11. I fired a warning shot .


  12. The unidentified ship was brought to by the firing of a warning shot across its bows .


  13. Liverpool principal owner John W Henry & chairman Tom Werner fire warning shot to Roy Hodgson over'unacceptable'results .


  14. In his annual letter to shareholders , Mr Dimon said recent schisms in Treasury and currency markets were a warning shot across the bow .


  15. Oil prices dropped more than 7 per cent after Western nations released the biggest amount of oil from their emergency strategic stocks since 1991 , in a warning shot aimed at Opec , the oil producers ' cartel .


  16. China 's steel market is likely to remain weak and prices depressed until next year , the country 's biggest steel producer said yesterday , in what appeared to be a warning shot to mining companies in the midst of the annual iron ore price negotiations .


  17. When I told my dad I was scared of guns , he told me , " Not to worry . I just used the gun to shoot my Andy Warhol ' Mao " painting . I fired a warning shot . "
